september 16, 2016
Lego News, Lego Star Wars, Lego trip, Updates
Visit at Lego designers’ headquarter
One of the coolest surprises during my trip was the visit at the Lego Designers’ house. My wonderful guide Kalle introduced me to senior Lego designer Henrik Andersen. I was allowed to walk into the building, but not further then the reception.
I could feel the secretness surrounding the building and this was definitely the peek of my trip. This is the place where all creative ideas start. Henrik was a member of the first Star Wars design team and designed the Ultimate X-Wing and B-wing Starfighter.
He told me all about the design process including how the team receives information from Lucas film to create a new modell. It takes about one year from skiss, digital design, modell to finished product released in store. I was blown away with the visit and will be forever thankful for this moment. Many thanks!